Hidden chemicals in the formula?

"There is nothing hidden in the formula. Hiding chemicals in formulas is dangerous and illegal. Per FDA law, everything in the product must be disclosed on the label. There is zero added sugar. The flavors are fruit extracts. Citric acid and xylitol are also found in most fruits. Citric acid is what gives most fruits their tartness and is natural. Every ingredient in this product is naturally found in foods. We perfectly understand your desire and right to feed your child healthy foods. If you do not give your child supplements, that is great because that assumes you feed your child salmon or Omega-3 rich seafood at least 3 times a week. If yes, that is fantastic and we applaud it. For more info, please visit https://www.amazon.com/OmegaVia-Ultra-Pure-Strength-Concentration-Triglyceride/dp/B07Z879YCL"
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